An elephant never forgets. At least, that's how the old expression goes. I think that expression should be different. I think it should really be, "A toddler/preschooler never forgets." That's been my experience. I'd say it's probably my experience most days.
As I try to parent our little three ring circus (one ring per kid!), I try to always follow through and do what I say I'm going to do. I still remember how serious my dad was about this when we were growing up. He never would promise to do something. He always taught us, "Let your yes be yes, and your no, no." He said he didn't have to promise, because if he said he was going to do something, he would do it. We could take him at his word. And, we still can to this day. So, I try to do this with my kids as well. But, sometimes I just get so busy or preoccupied that I forget something that I've told them I'd do. Here's the thing though: They NEVER forget. It doesn't matter what it is. It could be the tiniest thing that I've told them that I'd do or that we'd do together. They won't forget it. I always tell folks to be careful what they tell my kids they'll do, because they will NOT forget it! And they won't let you forget it either!
This morning during Ben's nap we made a project with stars all over it and were talking about a verse we learned yesterday, "Praise Him, sun and moon, praise Him, all you shining stars."(Ps. 148:3) I told Andy and Ava that we could make some cookies that looked like stars. They were so excited until I heard Ben start crying over the monitor. Naptime was over (way too soon I might add!). I'm not the best at multitasking with things that are pretty involved like baking, so I told the kids we'd have to wait until later when their daddy was home from work. Well, the day went on. We had lunch, then naps. After naps, I had my mind on everything we had to do to get ready for a party at church tonight. Then Andy said, "When are we going to make the cookies?" I had completely forgotten. Didn't mean to, but I did. Needless to say, we hurried and were able to make the cutest little star cookies with sprinkles.
As I was thinking about the fact that my kiddos never forget anything it seems, the Lord spoke to my heart. They remember every promise I make to them. The big ones. The little ones. All the ones in between. They obviously make it a point to keep my promises on their minds. They wait in eager expectation for me to be true to my word. What if I were to have the same diligence in keeping my Father's promises before me? What if they were always on my mind? What if I waited in eager expectation every day for Him to do what He promises He'll do? Second Corinthians 1:20 says, "For no matter how many promises God has made, they are 'Yes' in Christ. And so through him the 'Amen' is spoken by us to the glory of God." God is true to His promises simply because He is God. But then all of God's promises are "Yes", they are confirmed in Christ. So, God's promises are completely true, they are confirmed in Christ, and then through Christ we are enabled to say, "Let it be, Lord" to the glory of God the Father. It is for His glory that He makes promises. It is for His glory that He keeps them. It is for His glory that those promises are confirmed in Christ. And it is for His glory that we eagerly keep them before us, believe them, and say, "Amen. Let them be."